• 关于我们

    我们把作品让那些艺术家带到世界各地。更多的导演、经纪人、音乐家、艺术家和摄影同行们很多传媒公司和杂志社关注我们,邀请请我们为他们拍摄,如杨丽萍女士的作品《雀之灵》、《孔雀之冬》、《十面埋伏》、《平潭映像》和《春之祭》;美国家喻户晓的爵士音乐家温顿-马萨利斯;格莱美2次获奖者吉他爵士大师施特恩、格莱美10座奖获得者小号演奏家阿图罗-桑德瓦;挪威国宝级乐队----神秘园乐队;加拿大蒙特利尔爵士芭蕾舞团;美国克利夫兰管弦乐团指挥、柏林爱乐和维也纳爱乐的首席小提琴长笛(Walter Auer)和单簧管(丹尼尔-奥恩萨默);世界小提琴家吉顿-克莱默;英国利兹国际钢琴奖获得者伊利亚-伊金;俄罗斯国家交响乐团米哈伊尔-普莱特涅夫、美国钢琴教父乔瓦尼、以色列钢琴家瓦迪;单簧管演奏家肯尼-基(KennyG);流行音乐家雅尼(Yanni);囊括世界三个小提琴奖、帕格尼尼金奖获得者黄滨;法蒂• 科瑞当代舞蹈团(Fadi J. Khoury Dance)的作品。世界三大男高音卡雷拉斯;曼托瓦尼、尤斯塔弗莱和斯洛文尼亚乐团指挥的拍摄。


    Shoting world - class musicians, artists, creative moments and eternal paintings is our pursuit.Photography is visual art and we focus on life, nature and history. Specializing in the art of stage photography, we merge our own music into the photography to let you share the wonderful world of music and paintings.Harmony photography studio was founded in 1999 and the main business is stage photography art.Photographers have rich experience in shooting. Harmony photography studio has won the awards of the 15th international film festival in China and China various domestic photography competitions.We have held a theme film exhibition and published a photo album which some works of appear on the world master music CD cover. Many performance companies are using our works.We have completed a number of world-class stage artists shootings.Our works have been taken around the world by musicians. More directors, agents, musicians, artists and photographers pay more attention on us.China media companies and Britian film and television companies are interacting internationally.

    We create beauty and record the real history.